Friday, June 29, 2012

New grant writing guide with insider tips available to traffic agencies

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LENEXA, KS - June 28, 2012 - Traffic technology firm Rhythm Engineering today released its Grant Funding Playbook, a downloadable resource that provides the strategies and tactics to help public agencies win grant funding to install adaptive traffic signal technology on their roads. States, counties, municipalities and other public transportation agencies are increasingly deploying this real-time "smart signal" technology in order to reduce traffic congestion, minimize fuel usage and vehicle emissions, and improve roadway safety.

Download the Grant Funding Playbook at

Dozens of public transportation agencies used the practical tips in the Grant Funding Playbook to secure federal, state and local grants in order to install Rhythm Engineering's real-time adaptive traffic signal solution, InSync. Communities using InSync save up to 27 tankers worth of fuel, 33 years of time waiting in traffic, dozens of crashes, and millions of pounds of harmful emissions, for a total economic benefit of up to $8 million each year.

The Playbook was developed in partnership with Irvine, CA-based Blais & Associates, one of the nation's leading transportation grant writer and grant management firm. Blais & Associates shares the strategies and tips for success they have learned from their 20 years of experience, particularly in regards to writing applications for InSync traffic control systems. It is called the Grant Funding Playbook because it is filled with specific actions, tips and strategies to help agencies win grants, win the resources needed to deploy InSync and win a community that is healthier and happier. The guide contains best practices, insider tips and over $3 billion in examples of actual grant sources.

This resource is available free of charge to all public transportation agencies and the engineering consultants with whom they partner. To download the complete Grant Funding Playbook, visit

For More Information, Contact:
Jenny Kutz, Public Relations Manager
913.227.0603 or

About Rhythm Engineering:

Rhythm Engineering invents, sells and supports innovative and affordable traffic solutions that empower communities to save lives, save motorists' time and money and save the environment. Independent studies from across the U.S. prove that by adapting traffic signals to actual demand, the company's InSync technology reduces car crashes up to 30%, travel time up to 50%, and fuel consumption and emissions by 20-30%. InSync is the traffic management solution for more than 700 intersections in 19 states; more U.S. agencies deploy InSync than any other adaptive solution. To learn more, visit:


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

New York City DOT to Install Over 10,000 LED Lights

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NYC DOT Announces Expansion Of Energy-efficient LED-light Installations Citywide

City's East River Bridges, Central Park and roadways such as the FDR Drive and Eastern Parkway to receive lighting upgrades LED lighting to replace metal halide, mercury vapor and high-pressure sodium lights, saving energy and costs

NYC DOT - May 23, 2012 - New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan today announced the sweeping installation of light-emitting diode (LED) fixtures in Central Park, the East River Bridges, Eastern Parkway and the underdeck of Manhattan's FDR Drive—significant upgrades to the City's lighting infrastructure that will provide substantial energy- and cost-savings while providing quality light to these public spaces. Importantly, these upgrades retain, and in some instances, improve illumination levels of these areas, and continue to enhance public safety. DOT, together with the Climate Group and the U.S. Department of Energy, initiated a multiyear study in 2009 as part of a global study to quantify the benefits for cities to use LED lighting versus existing fixtures. Observations of LED fixtures on the FDR Drive and in Central Park showed significant energy savings, up to 50% and 83%, respectively. Given these findings, and the overall goals of PlaNYC, the Mayor's sustainability agenda, and DOT's strategic plan, DOT will start replacing all 1,600 metal-halide fixtures in Manhattan's iconic Central Park, which is expected to deliver energy savings of up to 62%. The agency also is moving forward to replace hundreds of remaining mercury-vapor necklace lights on all of the East River Bridges and also install LED fixtures on key highways. The LED program is expected to achieve nearly $300,000 in annual energy and maintenance savings in fiscal year 2013, with additional savings to follow that reflect the full year value.

"Energy-efficient LEDs light up our parks, bridges and streets and also bring years of cost savings to our city," said Commissioner Sadik-Khan. "From recycled asphalt to low-emission fuel on the Staten Island Ferry to energy-saving necklace lights on the Brooklyn Bridge, we are engineering a greener, greater city for generations to come."

"The LED light upgrades will result in significant energy and cost savings for the city," said Speaker Christine C. Quinn. "The initiative will help us achieve our greenhouse gas reduction goals set out in PlaNYC and will benefit all New Yorkers by making our city more sustainable. I want to thank the Department of Transportation for taking the lead on this project and I look forward to seeing more energy-efficient lighting across the city."

"With these LED installations, our city is giving the green light to energy and cost-savings," said Council Member Jessica Lappin.

"The Department of Transportation's Introduction of LED fixtures in Central Park makes this green public space even 'greener,'" said Doug Blonsky, President and CEO of the Central Park Conservancy. "Coupled with the Conservancy's use of sustainable design materials and water conservation efforts, the City of New York's forward-thinking improvements mean the Park will always be a phenomenal 'back yard' for New Yorkers."

Following a pilot program in 2009, the agency will continue building on a program to retrofit Central Park's lights with more energy-efficient lighting. The $1.4 million replacement of the 1,600 175-watt metal halide fixtures with LED will begin later this month. A project to replace 500 fixtures along the Central Park transverses is planned for next year.

DOT also will completely replace 1,200 fixtures along underpasses on the FDR Drive and at other Manhattan locations by the end of the year. To date, 400 fixtures have already been upgraded, replacing existing 150 watt high-pressure sodium bulbs with 108 watt LED fixtures that will provide an estimated energy savings of 30%. Through routine maintenance and capital construction contracts, DOT aims to replace all 5,500 underdeck lights citywide over the next few years.

DOT is currently working to replace all 224 lights on the Williamsburg Bridge with more energy-efficient LEDs. This work is expected to be completed this month and will be followed by the replacement of 218 lights on the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge, all 160 necklace lights on the Brooklyn Bridge and 166 lights on the Manhattan Bridge. This effort is being funded with approximately $1.1 million, of which $492,000 is allocated from the Mayor's Energy Fund.

The expanded use of LEDs along Eastern Parkway includes the replacement of 142 fixtures in 2013 that is expected to produce up to 62% in energy savings. The first phase will be funded with $124,000 from the Mayor's Energy Fund, while the remaining 483 fixtures along the parkway will be replaced in 2013 using an additional $424,000 from the Mayor's Energy Fund. DOT also is looking to incorporate LED technology into street lights. Four prototype LED fixtures are currently being reviewed in Lower Manhattan for broader applications. Pending Public Design Commission approval, purchase of Citylight LEDs for two additional locations is anticipated, including fixtures for 125th Street as part of a streetscape improvement initiative.

From August 2009 through January 2011, DOT, Climate Group and the U.S. DOE conducted two separate studies to collect data on the performance of LED fixtures on the FDR Drive and Central Park. The tests measured factors such as illumination, color and energy consumption, among others. Both replacement trials showed promise. For instance, a full-scale LED replacement program for Central Park could result in significant cost savings. Over 12 years, the NYC-1(a)—one of the fixtures used during the evaluation—could save as much as $2.3 million in energy costs. Analysis also showed similar cost-savings could be produced by a full-scale installation of LEDs on the FDR Drive.

DOT operates the largest municipal street-lighting system in the country with 262,000 lights on City streets, bridges and underpasses, 12,000 in parks and 26,000 on highways. For the past decade, the agency has pioneered the application of energy-efficient lighting to both optimize and green its operations. New York City was the first large American city to use LED traffic signals, converting fixtures at nearly all of the more than 12,000 signalized intersections Citywide and producing an annual energy savings of 81%. Improving streetlights' efficiency also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. The City has installed 250,000 lower watt fixtures citywide, reducing streetlight energy consumption by more than 25% since fiscal year 2006. This effort translates into the avoidance of more than 40,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.

For more information, visit

Contact: Seth Solomonow/Nicole Garcia (212) 839-4850

Friday, May 25, 2012

On the Agenda: Installing 1,000 LED Streetlights in Fairbanks, Alaska

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7:00 p.m. June 5, 2012
B. MESSAGES 1. Chairperson’s Comments 2. Communications to the Planning Commission 3. Citizen’s Comments – limited to three (3) minutes a) Agenda items not scheduled for public hearing b) Items other than those appearing on the agenda 4. Disclosure & Statement of Conflict
C. *MINUTES 1. Minutes from May 15, 2012 PC Meeting.
D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Consent Agenda passes all routine items indicated by asterisk (*) on agenda. Consent Agenda items are not considered separately unless any Planning Commission member or citizen so requests. In the event of such request, the item is returned to the general agenda.
E. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS HP 2012-015 Application by the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for local government approval of the Steese Highway MP 5 – 11 Resurfacing project. This project will pulverize and repave approximately six and a half (6.5) miles of the Steese Highway from the Chena Hot Springs Road overcrossing to the weigh station in Fox. The existing pavement on this section of the Steese Highway is over twenty years old and the condition is now worn, cracked, rutted, and past its useful service life. Other improvements are set to include repaving approaches, upgrading signing, upgrading striping, replacing damaged guardrail, replacing the cross culvert at Engineer Creek, repaving the Alyeska Pipeline Viewing Area parking lot, as well as other minor improvements.
F. PUBLIC HEARING HP 2012-014 Application by the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for local government approval of the FMATS LED Street Light Conversion – Stage II project. This project is proposing to convert approximately 1000 streetlight units from high pressure sodium (HPS) to light-emitting diode (LED) technology. These streetlight conversions will be performed at various locations inside the City of Fairbanks and the City of North Pole. The purpose of this project is to reduce Fairbanks’ and North Pole’s maintenance and operations cost by replacing existing HPS streetlight units with LED streetlight units. CU2012-012 A request by Mark and Anne Rippy for conditional use approval for a guest house in the Rural Residential zone on Lot 3, Salcha Estates West. (Located on the east side of Weston Drive, south of Yankovich Road)
I. COMMISSIONER’S COMMENTS Commissioner Activity Reports 1. FMATS 2. Title 17 Rewrite Project 3. Comprehensive Plan Advisory Board 4. Other J.

Read original public notice on Fairbanks, Alaska website

Thursday, May 17, 2012

LED and Induction Streetlight Resources

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6/13/12 to 6/14/12 - DOE Solid-State Lighting Manufacturing R&D Workshop - San Jose, CA
The DOE Solid-State Lighting (SSL) Manufacturing R&D Initiative was created in 2009 to forge government-industry partnerships focused on a common goal: to reduce the cost and improve the quality of SSL products. A related goal is to foster a significant U.S. role for SSL manufacturing—creating jobs and promoting our nation's technology leadership in this field.

9/9/12 to 9/12/12 - IES Street & Area Lighting Conference - Miami, FL
The SALC conference is considered the premiere conference for the outdoor lighting market and directed at the following audience:
Architects, Cooperatives, Contractors or Maintenance Providers, Departments of Transportation, Educators and Researchers, Energy Service Managers, Engineers, Landscape Architects, Lighting Designers, Manufacturers and Manufacturer Reps, Municipalities, Utilities

U.S. DOE Solid-State Lighting
Solid-state lighting (SSL) technology has the potential to reduce U.S. lighting energy usage by nearly one half and contribute significantly to our nation's climate change solutions. The U.S. Department of Energy acts as a catalyst to drive R&D breakthroughs in efficiency and performance, and to equip buyers to successfully apply SSL lighting.

DOE Municipal Solid-State Street Lighting Consortium
The DOE Municipal Solid-State Street Lighting Consortium shares technical information and experiences related to LED street and area lighting demonstrations. The Consortium also serves as an objective resource for evaluating new products on the market intended for street and area lighting applications.

DOE Consortium Publishes Roadway Lighting Specification
The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Municipal Solid-State Street Lighting Consortium has published guidance for cities, utilities, and other local agencies interested in saving money and energy by converting their street and roadway lighting to LED technology. The Model Specification for LED Roadway Luminaires is designed specifically for LED luminaires, which, in addition to saving energy, have the expected benefit of reducing maintenance costs while improving visibility.

DOE MSSLC Retrofit Financial Analysis Tool
The Retrofit Financial Analysis Tool, developed by the DOE Municipal Solid-State Street Lighting Consortium in collaboration with the Clinton Climate Initiative, provides municipalities, utilities, and other organizations a method of analyzing the cost and return-on-investment from lighting efficiency projects.

DOE Solid-State Lighting GATEWAY Demonstration Results
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) shares the results of completed solid-state lighting (SSL) GATEWAY demonstration projects, publishing detailed reports and briefs on completed projects, both available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs. The reports include detailed analysis of data collected, projected energy savings, payback analysis, and user feedback.

DOE LED Lighting Facts
The LED Lighting Facts® is a program of the U.S. Department of Energy that showcases LED products for general illumination from manufacturers who commit to testing products and reporting performance results according to industry standards. For lighting buyers, designers, and energy efficiency programs, the LED Lighting Facts label provides information essential to evaluating products and identifying the best options.

DOE Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECEG) and State Energy Program (SEP) Grant Awards
The Interactive US map on the DOE website provides a quick summary of current EECBG and SEP amounts awarded to grantees across the country. Clicking any colored pin allows further drill-down to find specific award and project information for each government entity grantee.

Clinton Climate Initiative
Outdoor lighting systems can account for a significant percentage of a municipal government’s electricity usage. Depending on the size of the city, the infrastructure it manages, and the efficacy of the lighting system, it can be as high as 60 percent. But with innovative new technologies, cities can raise the efficiency standard for outdoor lighting while quickly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and saving on energy costs.

Energy Star Solid-State Lighting Luminaires
The ENERGY STAR SSL Program Requirements are intended for general illumination. SSL general illumination products were not previously covered by any ENERGY STAR product category, although there are other product categories using light emitting diodes (LEDs) for non-illumination purposes, including indication and decoration.

Illuminating Engineering Society (IES)
The IES seeks to improve the lighted environment by bringing together those with lighting knowledge and by translating that knowledge into actions that benefit the public.

International Dark-Sky Association
The mission of the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) is to preserve and protect the nighttime environment and our heritage of dark skies through environmentally responsible outdoor lighting.

DesignLights™ Consortium Qualified Products List
The DesignLights™ Consortium ("DLC") Qualified Products List ("QPL") Members support only high-quality, high-performing commercial LED products. Each of the products listed on the QPL have met the DLC's minimum performance and other requirements.

Rebates: Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE)
DSIRE is a comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility and federal incentives and policies that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency. Established in 1995 and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, DSIRE is an ongoing project of the N.C. Solar Center and the Interstate Renewable Energy Council.

Cities Across North America Installing LED and Induction Street Lights

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Stockton, CA Gives LED Street Lights A Try
STOCKTON – The city of Stockton is trying out a more efficient street light that could save the city thousands of dollars every year.

Installation of 100 LED streetlights in Jackson, NJ begins
JACKSON — The installation of 100 energy-efficient light emitting diode (LED) streetlights is under way in Jackson. In the first phase of the project, the new LED lights will be installed along Nature Boulevard and the nearby 60Acre housing development.

Halifax Reginal Municipality Negotiating for "Tens of Thousands of LED Streetlights"
The Halifax Regional Municipality is negotiating with Nova Scotia Power Inc. to buy tens of thousands of street lights ahead of a deadline to convert to LED.

Washington, D.C. now sports 1,360 LED street lights in its alleyways
This morning at 11:30 a.m., Mayor Vince Gray will venture into a Columbia Heights alleyway to replace the last of about 1,360 old alley street lights with newer energy-efficient LED lights expected to save 591,000 kilowatt hours of electricity a year as well as reduce carbon-dioxide emissions by 719 tons.

Cornwall, Canada introduces LED streetlight project
The City of Cornwall has installed LED streetlight fixtures on Water Street between Augustus Street and Seymour Avenue as part of a pilot project to explore alternative lighting technologies.

Huntington, NY Joins DOE Energy Challenge: Saved 59% on Electricity with LED Streetlights
The invitation came as a result of the Town’s innovative use of its $1.725 million Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant and the breadth of its energy efficiency projects, which included replacing 5,000 street lights with energy efficient fixtures that reduced electricity usage by 59 percent

GE's Evolve LED Roadway Lighting Being Installed in Cities Across the Globe
LED street lighting is saving millions of dollars each year on town and city electricity bills in America and further afield. Around 41,000 GE Evolve LED street lights being installed in Las Vegas are set to save the city almost $2.7 million (£1.6 million) each year in electricity bills and reduced maintenance costs.

Oak Lawn, IL Completes Phase I LED Streetlight Installation - 750 Fixtures for $321,202
The total cost for the 750 fixtures in Phase One was $321,202. Oak Lawn’s contribution was $133,800. The projected yearly cost to the village after the DCEO rebate will be $187,402.

LED streetlight pilot project underway in Whitby, NC
WHITBY -- The Town of Whitby is striving to reduce its carbon footprint by using energy-efficient fixtures in its streetlights.

Energy Efficient LED Street Lights Make Debut in Jackson Township
After a long battle between JCP&L and Jackson Township ended with an agreement earlier this year, the first LED street lights were installed earlier this week in the Sixty Acres development.  The Township of Jackson has entered into a contract agreement with JCP&L for the retrofitting of existing street lights with LED lighting.

Induction streetlights save San Diego $1.2M over 2 Years
SAN DIEGO (CNS) - Owners and tenants on private land in the city of San Diego may soon be able to install brighter and more energy-efficient outdoor lighting under proposed policy revisions unanimously approved Wednesday by the City Council's Land Use and Housing Committee.

Induction bulbs for streetlights could save Marietta money - 135 bulbs/$7,700
MARIETTA - Marietta could save about $3,300 a year on electricity by changing bulbs in the city's decorative street lighting, according to a presentation during city council's lands, buildings and parks committee Tuesday afternoon.

American Electric Power Co. Gives Incentive for Going Green
AEP Customer Service Representative Jeff Hanselman presented an oversized ceremonial copy of the check to several city employees who worked to replace standard light bulbs with LED bulbs in street lights, traffic signals and crosswalk lights.

RFQ: New Brunswick, Canada Supply of LED Streetlight Luminaires - Due May 18th (PDF)
The New Brunswick Power Distribution and Customer Service Corporation is pleased to invite respondents to submit their qualifications for the supply of LED streetlight luminaires.

RFI: Coquitlam, Canada Supply of LED Street Lights - Due May 15th (PDF)
The City of Coquitlam (“City”) is issuing a Qualifications Based Selection (“QBS”) process to select Suppliers to provide LED Street Lights and product support services for future projects and installations, including a small quantity pilot project.

San Jose, CA "Smart" LED Streetlights Program - 58,500 More to Convert (PDF)
San Jose 's  Green Vision includes a commitment to covert all of  the City's  62,000 streetlights to "smart," energy-efficient, adaptable streetlights.  While other cities around the nation have been testing and deploying "basic" LED streetlights, San Jose has been pursuing the development of  "smart" adaptable streetlights -- streetlights equipped with a remote monitoring and adaptive control system.  The approach is viewed by industry experts as the next major efficiency leap in outdoor lighting.

New Orleans Allocating $8M for Streetlight Repairs in 2012
Keeping the streetlights burning in New Orleans is an expensive and seemingly endless job. The system, which includes 54,400 streetlights, is aging and still suffers from flood damage.

Chattanooga's smart streetlights include a wireless network
It’s one thing to trade out your incandescent bulbs for compact fluorescents (CFLs), but the city of Chattanooga has taken energy-efficient lighting to a whole new level. After a successful trial, Chattanooga is now replacing its high-pressure sodium outdoor lighting with induction and LED fixtures. And that’s not all. These new fixtures have built-in wireless radios.

Detroit, Michigan Installing 1,700 LED Streetlights
Detroit Economic Growth Corporation, with support from the Department of Energy and the Downtown Detroit Partnership, is investing an additional $1.3 million to install more than 1,000 LED fixtures.

LED Streetlights to save Rochester, NH $24,261 per year
ROCHESTER— The city is expecting more than $300,000 in energy savings over the next 13 years after having switched all the downtown street lights to LED lighting.

LED streetlights to save Brunswick Landing, Maine 68% per year
Energy-efficient LED street lights will soon brighten Brunswick Landing's roads and parking lots, in keeping with the Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority's (MRRA) vision to utilize alternative energy sources when redeveloping the former Naval Air Station Brunswick property.

Quincy, MA gets $370,325 grant for LED streetlights
Quincy will receive $370,325 in state grants for energy efficient LED streetlights.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

LED and Induction Streetlight Manufacturers in the News

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Leotek Electronics USA Corp. Introduces LED Street Light for Under $200
MILPITAS, CA - May 14, 2012 - Leotek Electronics USA Corp., a leading supplier of LED street lights, announces the release and availability of the ECObra-head™ designed to replace traditional high intensity discharge "cobra-head" style roadway luminaires. The ECObra-head™ utilizes new state-of-the-art light emitting diodes which provide many times the light output of previous generation of LEDs. Featuring Leotek's precision micro-lens optical systems, these luminaires are designed to replace 50W to 400W HID luminaires while achieving typical energy savings of over 60%. Read more

Lighting Science Group Lights Up Washington D.C. With Ultra-Efficient LED Street Lights
SATELLITE BEACH, FL - May 14, 2012 - Lighting Science Group, one of the world's leading LED lighting companies, today joined Washington, D.C. Mayor Vincent C. Gray and officials from the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) and the Department of the Environment (DDOE) to celebrate the completion of the first phase of the relighting project that will save the city tens of thousands of dollars each year in energy costs. Part of the Mayor's larger vision for a Sustainable D.C., Lighting Science Group's energy-efficient, long-lasting street lights have replaced old, inefficient lights and will cut the District's annual carbon dioxide emissions by 719 tons.  Read more

Carmanah Launches EG145 Solar Streetlight at LIGHTFAIR
VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA - May 9, 2012 - At the 2012 LIGHTFAIR International tradeshow (May 9-11th) in Las Vegas, Nevada, Carmanah Technologies Corp. (TSX: CMH.TO - News)(Pink Sheets: CMHXF) is launching the EG145 solar outdoor street lighting system, the company's latest addition to its most cost-effective solar-powered outdoor lighting system series to-date. With the addition of this next-generation EG-series system, which provides freeway-level light output from a compact form designed to withstand extreme elements, Carmanah now provides a complete range of solar-powered outdoor lights that address the needs of cost-sensitive markets requiring powerful standalone lighting solutions.  Read more

Energy-Efficient GE LED Street Lighting Works Wonders for Any Size City
EAST CLEVELAND, OH - May 9, 2012 - From Las Vegas to Superior, Neb., GE's Evolve™ LED Roadway fixtures are saving cities, big and small, a bundle on energy costs. With the installation of more than 41,000 GE Evolve LED streetlights, Las Vegas will reduce combined electricity and maintenance expenses to nearly $2.7 million a year, while in Superior, 600 LED fixtures have shaved $20,000 off annual spending for the town of 2,000. "We're seeing a rapid adoption of LED systems for roadways across the globe. Cities are realizing very real energy and maintenance savings, and if they haven't already adopted LEDs, many towns are in the process of testing them and researching the possibility of their use."  Read more

Leotek Presents Arieta™ - achieving the potential of LED area lighting
MILPITAS, CA - May 4, 2012 - Leotek Electronics USA Corp. is pleased to introduce the new Arieta™ LED Area Luminaire. Arieta™ stands for Architectural, Retrofittable, Inexpensive, Energy Saving, Technology Leading, Area Luminaire. Read more

Amerlux Partners with Illuminating Concepts and IntelliStreets to Develop SmartSite State of the Art LED Street Lighting and Network Control System
FAIRFIELD, NJ - May 3, 2012 - Amerlux has partnered with Illuminating Concepts and IntelliStreets to create the SmartSite state of the art LED street lighting and network control system. Amerlux, a manufacturer of a broad array of optically superior, energy efficient lighting solutions for the retail, supermarket, hospitality, commercial and outdoor lighting markets, has supplied the LED-equipped luminaires and is marketing the system across North America. SmartSite(TM), powered by IntelliStreets, is the world's most technically advanced street lighting system which integrates energy efficient LED lighting technology with a robust, bi-directional mesh network control system that manages lighting, audio, video and energy usage throughout urban, suburban and college environments. SmartSite will be on display at the Amerlux booth #3516 at Lightfair International in Las Vegas from May 9th through the 11th.  Read more

GE Lighting to Help Customers Navigate Lighting Transformation Through New North America Professional Solutions Organization
EAST CLEVELAND, OH - May 2, 2012 - GE Lighting today announced it is aligning its Lighting Solutions sales and applications solutions teams with its North America professional sales teams under a single structure and single leader. Jaime Irick, who has been leading GE Lighting Solutions--GE's LED and lighting fixtures business--will now be responsible for all sales activities of all lighting technologies in GE Lighting's commercial and industrial product portfolio as general manager for the new organization named North America Professional Solutions. Dan Jenkins will continue to lead GE Lighting's professional sales team that will now be part of this single organization. He and his sales teams will report to Irick. Prior to this realignment, GE's LED and non-LED sales organizations were separate functions.  Read more

Lighting Science Group Launches Ultra-efficient LED RoadMaster(TM) Street Light; Reaches Cost Parity With Traditional Street Lights
SATELLITE BEACH, FL - April 26, 2012 - Leading the global shift towards sustainable LED lighting solutions, Lighting Science Group announced today the launch of its high performance and feature-rich RoadMaster(TM) street light. Currently being installed throughout Puerto Rico, the Company's new street light provides a reduction in energy costs during its extended operating life, helping governments and communities avoid soaring energy and maintenance costs associated with traditional high pressure sodium (HPS) street lights. Priced at a fraction of other LED roadway luminaires, Lighting Science Group's new RoadMaster(TM) pays for itself by avoiding just one HPS lamp replacement, let alone the 4-6 traditional street light lamp changes it is expected to avoid over its rated life. Read more

PowerSecure Announces $10 Million of Awards for Smart Grid Power Systems, LED Area Lights, and Utility Infrastructure Projects
WAKE FOREST, NC - April 24, 2012 - PowerSecure International, Inc. (Nasdaq: POWR) today announced it has received $10 million of new awards for its Interactive Distributed Generation(R) (IDG(R)) smart grid power systems, LED Area Lights, and utility infrastructure projects. The new IDG System awards total $4.5 million, including installations for industrial, retail, municipal, and military facilities. The new LED Area Light awards total $0.4 million, including orders from seven utilities, and several repeat orders. And the utility infrastructure awards total $5.1 million, including transmission, distribution, and substation upgrade projects for utilities and their large industrial customers. All of these awards are for turnkey sales of products and services, and their expected timing will be included in the Company's revenue backlog report to be issued in conjunction with its upcoming earnings release on May 3, 2012.  Read more

Solar and Wind Powered Street Lights from Enlighten Hybrid are Now Available in Canada
TORONTO, ON - April 24, 2012 - EfstonScience, Canada's science superstore, has launched a new division specializing in solar wind powered street lights. Enlighten Solar and Hybrid Lighting Systems are innovative, off-grid light standards that generate electricity from both the sun and wind throughout the day and night to power a high-efficiency LED light.  Read more

Deco Lighting Introduces the Black Mamba – First Streetlight Available with Induction or LED
COMMERCE, CA - April 17, 2012 - Deco Lighting introduces the Black Mamba streetlight designed to replace HID (high intensity discharge) cobraheads and the first in the industry to offer a choice of LED or Induction lighting. The patent-pending Black Mamba provides 50% or more energy savings, superior color illumination, 3 to 10 times longer lifespan vs HID lamps, and optional Bi-Level or dimming control capability. Available with either a high power LED system with 80,000 hour life, or brand name Induction system with 100,000 hour lamp life. Black Mamba is the best solution for cities and municipalities to replace inefficient HID cobraheads for immediate energy cost savings and long term maintenance labor savings by eliminating 3 to 10 cycles of relamping.  Read more

Lighting Controls Market Poised for Continued Growth
SAN ANTONIO, TX - April 18, 2012 - The lighting controls market is poised for continued growth. The need for energy savings and peak demand reduction are key drivers for growth in the lighting controls market. Government stimulus programs, stringent energy efficiency directives and mandates have further fueled the demand for efficient lighting products. In 2011, the lighting controls market witnessed a growth spike as a result of government spending on energy conservation initiatives. The market size, including lighting controls modules, user interfaces, and sensors, totaled over $1.9 billion in 2011, an 8.6 percent increase from the previous year. The market will also sustain growth from new construction projects, which were in a state of decline in years past. Although energy code compliance is driving users to implement lighting controls to demonstrate savings, the growing demand is for low-cost and simpler options. The use of sensors and dimmers remain in high demand due to their low cost, reasonable energy savings, added ambience and scene setting functionalities. Networked controls are also growing rapidly, especially the distributed controls systems with digital calibration capabilities.  Read more

ALLED® Fixtures Feature Innovative New Surge Protection and Light Sensor Technologies
ELLWOOD CITY, PA - April 11, 2012 - Appalachian Lighting Systems (ALSI) today announced three major enhancements to its performance-leading ALLED line of solid-state lights for street, parking garage and lot and low/high bay lighting applications. ALSI's full line of ALLED solid-state fixtures now features enhanced surge protection that quadruples the lights' ability to withstand power surges; a revolutionary programmable light sensing system that is significantly more reliable and durable than optical sensors, and full implementation of ALSI's embedded ALLink® monitoring and control system.  Read more

LED Companies Look to Expand in the Outdoor-Lighting Market
NEW YORK, NY - April 12, 2012 - The LED market looks to be heating up once again, as a drop in prices for LED streetlights may begin to sway local governments to make the switch to the new technology. According to a report put out by the Department of Energy, roadway lighting accounts for 25 percent of the outdoor-lighting market in the U.S. with LED lights making up only a 3 percent share of the roadway market. The Paragon Report examines investing opportunities in the LED Industry and provides equity research on Cree, Inc. and Rubicon Technology, Inc. Read more

PSE&G Installs Energy Efficient LED Fixtures for Municipal Streetscapes and Security
NEWARK, NJ - April 11, 2012 - Public Service Electric & Gas Company (PSE&G) has begun installing LED lights that increase reliability and security, are environmentally friendly, and decrease light pollution. Read more

New Cree® XSP Series LED Street Lights Shatter Performance and Payback Barriers for Municipalities
DURHAM, NC - April 10, 2012 - Cree, Inc. (Nasdaq: CREE) announces a breakthrough innovation in street lighting with the introduction of the XSP Series LED Street Light – the most affordable and efficient Cree® LED street light designed to speed payback to municipalities. Using nearly 50 percent less energy and designed to last over three times longer than wasteful, traditional high-pressure sodium street lighting, the XSP Series can double the lumens per dollar compared to previous generations of Cree LED street lights and is the ideal choice for cities and municipalities looking to save money and resources.  Read more

Cree SC³ Technology Platform Continues To Deliver Innovation With Brighter XLamp® High-Voltage LEDs
DURHAM, NC - April 9, 2012 - Cree, Inc. (Nasdaq: CREE), a market leader in LED lighting, announces the availability of brighter Cree® XLamp XT-E and XM-L High-Voltage LEDs to provide manufacturers more efficient, cost-effective components. The new, high-performance LEDs leverage the SC³ Technology Platform, which also powered the previously introduced XLamp® XB-D and XT-E LEDs. The SC³ Technology Platform, built on Cree's advanced silicon carbide technology, features advancements in LED chip architecture and phosphor, and boasts a new package design to deliver the most advanced LED components in the industry.  Read more

Cree Aeroblades Luminaires Combine Cutting-Edge Technology with High Design
DURHAM, NC - April 4, 2012 - Cree, Inc. introduces the Aeroblades™ series of luminaires, demonstrating the continued evolution of outdoor LED lighting. Based on Cree's advanced BetaLED® Technology with superior NanoOptic® lighting control, Aeroblades luminaires represent the intersection of industry-leading LED innovation and high design.  Read more

Monday, April 23, 2012

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Roadway Signage

  • Ground-Mount Single Post Sign Panel
  • Ground-Mount Multi Post Sign Panel
  • Overhead Sign Panel
  • Variable Message Sign (CMS, DMS)
  • Internally Illuminated Street Name Sign - Fluorescent
  • Internally Illuminated Street Name Sign - LED
  • Illuminated Street Name Sign Cantilever Arm
  • Blank-Out Sign
  • Lane Control Sign
  • Round Aluminum Sign Post
  • Square Steel Sign Post
  • Galvanized I-Beam Sign Post
  • Steel Overhead Sign Structure - Span Truss/Cantilever
  • Aluminum Overhead Sign Structure
  • Monotube Overhead Structure
  • Z-Bar Sign Hanger
  • Overhead Sign Mounting Hardware
  • Multi-Post Breakaway Mount
  • Foundation - Concrete Precast Footer
  • Foundation - Concrete Drill-Shaft
  • Foundation - Concrete Spreadfooter
  • Sign Luminaire Mounting Bracket/ Arm
  • Mechanized Sign Luminaire System
  • Sign Luminaire - Traditional
  • Sign Luminaire - LED
  • Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) System
  • LED Flashing Sign System
  • Radar/Speed Display Sign System
  • Electronic Information Display Sign System
  • Flashing Beacon Sign System
  • Flashing Beacon Sign System - Solar
  • Delineator
  • Tubular Delineator
Traffic Signalization  
  • Enclosure/Cabinet
  • Controller Software
  • Advanced Traffic Management System
  • Controller Tester
  • Conflict Monitor
  • Fiber Optic Modem
  • Wireless Modem
  • Load Switches and Flashers
  • Battery Back-Up
  • Emergency Generator
  • Electrical Service Enclosure and Gear
  • Concrete Service Pole
  • Wood Strain Pole
  • Concrete Strain Pole
  • Steel Strain Pole
  • Steel Mast Arm Pole
  • Decorative Steel Mast Arm Pole
  • Steel Overhead Signal Structure
  • Foundation - Casing
  • Foundation - Concrete Drill-Shaft
  • Span Wire and Hardware
  • Lashing Machine and Wire
  • Span Wire Insulator Rod
  • Pole Guying
  • Signal Mounting Hardware
  • Traffic Signal Housing - Aluminum
  • Traffic Signal Housing - Polycarbonate
  • Traffic Signal LED Module
  • Optically Programmable Traffic Signal
  • Traffic Signal Blinking Strobe
  • Traffic Signal Red-Light Indicator
  • Traffic Signal Backplate
  • Traffic Signal Bag/Temporary Cover
  • Pedestrian Signal Housing
  • Pedestrian Signal LED Module
  • Pedestrian Signal Incandescent Module
  • Pedestrian Signal Neon Module
  • Pedestrian Pedestal/Pole
  • Pedestrian Pole Breakaway Base
  • Pedestrian Pushbutton
  • Audible Pedestrian Signal
  • Signal Grommet
  • Detection - Optical Preemption
  • Detection - Microwave
  • Detection - Video
  • Detection - Radar
  • Detection - In-Pavement
  • Detection - Inductive Loop
  • Loop Detector
  • Loop Sealant
  • Loop Saws and Blades
  • Traffic Count Equipment
  • Traffic Monitoring Stations
  • Traffic Monitoring Piezo Sensor
  • Traffic Monitoring Sensor - Other
  • Weigh-in-Motion Station
  • Portable Traffic Signal System
  • Traffic Camera Photo Enforcement
Roadway Lighting   
  • Monitoring and Control System
  • Electrical Service Enclosure and Gear
  • High-Mast Light Pole
  • Aluminum Light Pole
  • Steel Light Pole
  • Concrete Light Pole
  • Fiberglass Light Pole
  • Decorative Light Pole
  • High-Mast Luminaire - Traditional
  • High-Mast Luminaire - LED
  • High-Mast Luminaire - Induction
  • Roadway Luminaire - Traditional
  • Roadway Luminaire - LED
  • Roadway Luminaire -Induction
  • Tunnel Luminaire - Traditional
  • Tunnel Luminaire - LED
  • Tunnel Luminaire - Induction
  • Underdeck/Pendant Hung Luminaire -Traditional
  • Underdeck/Pendant Hung Luminaire - LED
  • Underdeck/Pendant Hung Luminaire - Induction
  • Box Girder Luminaire - Traditional
  • Box Girder Luminaire - LED Box
  • Girder Luminaire - Induction
  • Wall Pack Luminaire - Traditional
  • Wall Pack Luminaire - LED
  • Wall Pack Luminaire - Induction
  • Bridge Luminaire or Illumination - Traditional
  • Bridge Luminaire or Illumination - LED
  • Bridge Luminaire or Illumination - Induction
  • Bridge Navigational Lighting - Traditional
  • Bridge Navigational Lighting - LED
  • Pedestrian Luminaire -Traditional
  • Pedestrian Luminaire -LED
  • Pedestrian Luminaire -Induction
  • Parking Lot Lighting - Traditional
  • Parking Lot Lighting - LED
  • Parking Lot Lighting - Induction
  • Solar-Powered Lighting
  • Wind-Powered Lighting
  • Hybrid Lighting
  • Pole Cable/Modular Distribution System
  • Foundation - Precast Concrete
  • Foundation - Concrete Drill-Shaft
  • Foundation - Concrete Poured
Intelligent Transportation  
  • System Integration
  • Traffic Management Center Video Display
  • Equipment Shelter
  • Field Cabinet
  • Device Server
  • Ethernet Hub Switch
  • Ethernet Switch
  • Video Encoder/Decoder
  • Router
  • Surge Protection
  • Cable Management System
  • Wireless Communication Device
  • Vehicle Detection System
  • CCTV Camera
  • Road Weather Information System
  • Electrical Service Enclosure and Gear
  • Concrete Pole with Lowering Device
  • Steel Pole with Lowering Device
  • Portable Work Zone Tower
  • Motorist Aid Call Box System
  • Traffic Control
  • Pavement Marking
  • Directional Boring
  • Drill-Shaft Foundation
  • Miscellaneous Concrete
  • Fiber Optic
Pull/Junction Box:
  • Concrete
  • Composite
  • Aerial Enclosure
  • Communications Manhole
  • Anti-Theft Locking Lid
Wire and Cable:
  • Fiber Optic Cable
  • Conductor
  • Multi-Pair Communication
  • IMSA Signal Cable
  • IMSA Loop Wire
Utility Detection:
  • Underground Locator
  • Tone Wire/Sonde System
  • Detectable Tape
  • Bucket Truck/Aerial Lift
  • Excavation
  • Portable Variable Message Sign
  • Safety Cone
  • Safety Vest
  • Executive Recruiter

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Job Posting: City of Memphis, TN - Traffic Signal Technician (2 Openings)

January 25, 2012 - February 3, 2012


For a complete listing of job openings please visit web site at


POSITION: Signal Tech (2 Openings)

Annual Salary: $57,197.14; Bi-weekly: $2,199.89

Engineering/Signal Maintenance J.O. #12-012


Works under the general supervision of an assigned supervisor in the Engineering Division to install, repair, maintain, and operate electronic and electrical traffic signal control equipment and devices: Troubleshoots, diagnoses and corrects signal system problems; sets control switches on computer and peripheral equipment to integrate and operate equipment; tests circuits and electric components to locate grounded wires, broken connections, or defective current control mechanisms, using electrical testing instruments; replaces defective parts using electrical tools; works from bucket and aerial platform trucks; operates essential equipment, machinery, and vehicles to construct signalized intersections; and prepares reports of daily work activities.


1. Performs additional functions (essential or otherwise) which may be assigned from time to time.


Must be able to lift and carry objects in excess of 70 lbs. Requires climbing, including 12 ft. ladders, onto the back of trucks, and atop stacked poles. Requires balancing, bending, kneeling, reaching, pushing, and pulling. Requires the ability to use basic hand tools and to grasp wires. Must be able to program controls and change components. Requires feeling of electrical circuits and wires for overheating. Involves standing for extended periods of time and walking sometimes over uneven surfaces. Must be able to communicate problems and conditions to co-workers, including during high volumes of traffic noise. Must operate a two-way radio to communicate with co-workers and supervisor.


Majority of work is performed outdoors. Some shop work is required. Must work in inclement weather. Must work from bucket and aerial platform trucks. Exposed to noise and traffic. May be exposed to engine fumes and electrical shock. Requires the use and wear of protective gear. May be subject to shift work, standby and call out duty.


Associate's degree in Electronic Engineering or equivalent work related experience; or any combination of experience and training which enables one to perform the essential job functions. Certification from the Institute for the Certification of Engineering Technicians preferred. Must either possess a valid Class "B" Tennessee Commercial Driver's license, or obtain such license before the end of six (6) months employment as a condition of continued employment. Must comply with Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) Alcohol and Drug testing rules. (PROOF OF EDUCATION REQUIRED)


Complete online application at:

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